from In Vitro Experiments DataBasefIVE DB is an InSysBio project for in vitro experiments information collection and processing.
fIVE DB is designed for Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modelers and scientists who deal with in vitro/ex vivo data analysis to simplify their hard work and avoid potential errors.
Information collected in the database enables them to save time typically spent for gathering and processing of literature and available data utilized for:- comparative analysis of in vitro/ex vivo experimental data describing kinetics and regulations of a cell mediated processes (secretion, proliferation, differentiation, migration etc) collected from publicly available sources
- comparative analysis of mean values and ranges of the parameters describing kinetics and regulations of cell mediated processes calculated on the basis of the data measured in patients suffering from different diseases
- facilitation of parameters identification for development and calibration of QSP models based on in vitro data including:
- calibration of a QSP model of a reference virtual patient (VP) against mean values of the parameters
- implementation of variability in a QSP model basing on the ranges of parameters and selection of plausible VP population
fIVE DB contains the quantitative data on human cells or cell lines obtained in vitro and ex vivo. The data describes major cell processes such as proliferation, cell death, differentiation, activation, secretion, and others. The data is collected from the public domain sources, processed, and stored in fIVE DB as content.
Data processing includes the calculation of parameters suitable for cell process description via mathematical models. The parameters calculation is based on InSysBio way of regulators impact implementation in the models and pre-derived equations describing typical in vitro experiments. To learn more, please visit InSysBio's Blog and Immune Response Template.
Key features of fIVE DB:
- Search by cell, process type and parameter type
- The query may include:
- Regulator (activator or inhibitor) or Modifier of the process rate
- parameter type (in the terms proposed by InSysBio for regulators effect description)
- tissue type
- patient group type (healthy control or disease type)
- Table representation of the search results
- Export of the search results to the CSV format
Content of fIVE DB:
parameters for
parameters for
Cell Death
parameters for
parameters for
parameters for
from 1420
public sources
Both content and functionality of fIVE DB are updated on a monthly basis
fIVE DB is accessible via purchasing the commercial license. To purchase the license or ask questions, please contact us by email:
fIVE DB Open
fIVE Database OpenfIVE DB Open is a reduced public version of fIVE DB designed to experience the database for free. fIVE DB Open differs from fIVE DB in content and functional features. Functionality of fIVE DB Open are updated once per year.
Access to fIVE DB Open
To start working with fIVE DB Open, please register an account:
Content of fIVE DB Open:
parameters for
parameters for
Cell Death
parameters for
parameters for
parameters for
from 1420
public sources